"A Good Killing" by Allison Leotta
Anna Curtis, the incredibly successful DA from DC, is back! Her younger sister, still living in their hometown, is unreachable. The head football coach of their high school is killed. Anna flies home.
This is a story of how poorly our system handles rape kits. It's a story of how survivors continue on with their lives. It's a story of how a town takes care of their own. It's a story of how sisters stand by each other and fight.
This book is so well written that I sat down for a few hours and turned the last page. Happiness, wonder, sorrow, joy, terror, fear, and more were experienced while reading the book. There were even moments I laughed. Yes, laughed. Humor does get us through some hard times. Allison is brilliant in how she puts words to paper!
If you enjoy a good mystery crime story, this is THE book to pick up. I LOVED it! It goes up for sale on May 12 at Amazon. A wonderful read for you, your family and friends. What a great gift!
Thanks again, Allison, for sharing your talent with the world. I am honored to have read your new book and look forward to reading more about our favorite DA. I want to know what happens next!