Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lisa Scottoline's Work is INCREDIBLE!

I just finished "Running from the Law" by Lisa Scottoline. How many authors have you read where you are entertained until the last period? Lisa is one such author. This book is SO much fun to read. You are on the tips of your chair wondering.

I've read seven of her books so far. Each one is fabulous. Each one keeps you wondering until the last period and you are shocked at how it ends. Each time. I'm not kidding.

The books I've read by Lisa that you should read are: "Don't Go", "Courting Trouble", "Accused", "Betrayed", "Lady Killer", and "Daddy's Girl". I am now moving on to "Rough Justice". 

Like a GREAT mystery? Pick up a book by Lisa Scottoline. She's THE best!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Product Details"The Oldest Living Things in the World" by Rachel Sussman

What a beautiful book! Rachel traveled the world to find and photograph the world's oldest things. She found some of the most amazing trees I have ever seen. The world we live in is closing in on some of the most beautiful things in the world. Beautiful LIVING things. Each time a tree is cut down because someone needs to build a new home, the air and the life around where the tree were is changed forever. No birds can sit and sing on a branch. Nobody can sit under the tree's shade and enjoy a good book. I could go on, but you get the picture.

Look around you and enjoy what there is. Appreciate what you have and think twice before you need something new that would have an impact on the world we live in. We are the ones causing destruction to our planet. We can do something about it.

Rachel does a terrific job in telling us all about the oldest things she finds. She also is a photographer and has beautiful photos of her findings. It's a magnificent book.

Treat yourself to a copy. Put it on your coffee table and read through it over and over again. You will be amazed at what she has documented.

May your day shine knowing that you CAN make a difference.